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Provitlex Tablets


Calcium + Vitamin D
with Essential Minerals


Provitex is the bone health formula, scientifically
formulated and developed by leading nutritionists
and pharmacists Each ingredient in the Provitex
has been included on the basis of published
scientific research. The formula provides a rich
source of calcium with co factors help to maintain
normal bones. Just two Provitlex tablets provides
the full daily nutrient reference value for calcium,
vitamin D3, magnesium and zinc.

Each Tablets Contains:
Calcium carbonate….400mg
Vitamin D3……… 400IU
Magnesium (as oxide)….75mg
Zinc (as gluconate)…..8mg (USP Specs)

Provitex tablets – more than just calcium In addition to calcium, there
are number of other essential nutrients in the Provitex tablets formula,
which play a key supportive role towards normal bone health Magnesium
is now widely seen as important as calcium to help maintain normal
bones. Provitex provides magnesium which contributes to normal
functioning of the nervous system and muscle function. Most of the
body’s magnesium is found in the bones. Vitamin D supports normal
absorption and utilization of calcium and helps to maintain normal
bones Provitex provides the preferred Vitamin D3 from that is produced
naturally by the skin on exposure to sunlight zinc contributes to the
maintenance of normal bones Calcium is important for everyone
Ensuring an adequate intake of calcium is vital for men and women of
all ages, as evidence suggests that healthy practices early in life including
the adequate consumption of calcium and trace elements, contributes
to normal bones health and adolescent growth is known to be of major
importance in maintaining bone later in life.

Procedure of good manufacturing practice (GMP) standard of quality control
The calcium in Provitlex is in the form of calcium carbonate, which provides
the highest concentration of elemental calcium possible in a supplement.
The calcium carbonate used is of high pharmaceutical grade from a natural
source. Provitiex does not contain calcium source from oyster, shell coral or
bones dolomite, which can contains impurities Who is Provitlex recommended
for? Calcium supplementation is important for people of all ages, especially
Through out pregnancy and breast-feeding women need to support their bones
at this time due to normal changes and the developing baby putting extra
demands on calcium stores. Provitex can help to replenish depleted nutrients
such as calcium, vitamin D3 and magnesium which help to maintain normal
bones. Elderly men and women reduced- bones density is natural part of the
ageing process and bones mass usually starts to slowly decreases from as
early as around the mid 30s supplementing the diet can help to safeguard
levels of nutrients such as calcium which is needed from the maintenance
to normal bones, especially If the diet may not be provided sufficient level.
Provitlex has been carefully formulated so that it can be used in combination
with any other product in multivitamin and mineral product range, or other food supplements.

Additional information


Store at cool and dry place. Protect form light and excessive heat. The expiration date refer to the product correctly stored at recommended condition keep out of reach of children.




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